Fix - 21 Dec 2022

Fixed issue that could cause players to sometimes crash when playing in ranked game if they were playing in a different room before the game started.

Minor change - 17 Dec 2022

Added ranked game logging to prevent swapping and to upgrade the website. Some other server speed improvements.

Ranked gems and points - 07 Dec 2022

Ranked points: 

- You now gain more points for a win than you lose points for a loss. It was the opposite. 

- More points gained for ALL ranked games but especially for 1v1, 2v2, 3v3.

- Number of points for 1v1/2v2/3v3 is now much closer to 4v4, we want players to play what they like and only slightly incentivize bigger games. 


- Increased gem gain rate by a lot, it should be much easier to gain gems now for the Ranked shop.

- You don't gain gems for losing a team game anymore, this is done to disincentivize players from afking in team games.

- You still get a little gems for losing in 1v1.

- Fixed Gems not updating until you relog after a ranked game. 



After a break, we're back at it again with content that @everyone has been waiting for!

- **RANKED/LADDER MODE IS HERE!** Made from scratch by our devs. Go to change channel --> Ranked

- Added ranked tab in shop for new ranked currency "gems"

- Added Straw Hat (male and female) in bounty shop

- Added 1 dagger, 2 swords, and a new shotgun to the bounty shop

- All Daggers and Rifles have received a balance change

- 3 new skillmaps: FinishLine, obstaclecourse, and obstaclecoursev2

- Added SpookyHall and Hedge duel maps

- Hall now available in training mode

- Added death reaper animation on death

- Fix bug where if you press reload and switch to sword same time the reload animation will play with sword equipped

Please share any feedback you have especially with ranked mode. Let's rock!

Small Content Update - 03 Aug 2022

- Added a new map to Duel mode called Haven (will be updated with better lightmap soon) Please give us feedback in discord!
- Added animated objects and other cosmetic improvements to Port and Lockdown
- Added play/pause feature for replays by typing /pr
- Added secret items for staff and ladder shop available in the future